

We could begin by describing ourselves the way the world sees us.  Like a Breakfast Club moment where we gush about being devoted mothers and wives who drive mini-vans and have perfectly pedicured toes.  And there would be some truth to it.  We are devoted mothers - though the children we're raising have health issues and flaws, attitude-problems and spunk.  And we're devoted wives too - married to the beloved boys (who are now beloved men with a lot less hair than we seem to remember?) who captured our hearts as teenagers.  At least one of us does drive a mini-van, so that's not a huge stretch either.  And while they might not be professionally done, our toes rarely make an appearance without a quick polish that could give the illusion of pedicure from a distance.  But beyond that, we could belt 
"I'm Every Woman" from the mountaintops and it would essentially leave you having a Simon Cowell moment - SO WHAT?  We aren't contrived, or redundant, or average.  Quite frankly, it's a result of that very realization that Modern Creative Studio was born.   Seeking perfection?  Head another direction.  Looking for the ordinary?  Sorry, we only do extraordinary.  But if you're brave and you don't scare easily, pull up a chair.  You might find we have just the thing you're looking for.

It doesn't matter how you stumbled upon us - maybe you were searching for a Snicker-doodle recipe?  Looking for after-Christmas work-outs?  Perhaps you decided to peruse some fresh, modern design ideas for your family room as you prepare to welcome in 2012?   We don't believe in false advertising, so the truth is we don't have any of those things.  But since you're here anyway, why not stay a while?  You might find that what we have to offer is of far greater value to you than those snicker-doodles.  And let's be honest - none of us needs more sweets coming off the holidays, do we?  We are guaranteed to be calorie-free.  Your waistline won't take a hit, but you might notice your heart getting just a little bigger.
There's a lot to say, and it will all be said in good time.  ALL of it.  There will be stories.  And photos.  And rants. And possibly (okay, definitely) some tears.  Freebies and pretty stuff too.  Above all though, there will be sincerity, candor, authenticity and HOPE.  We don't know the precise reason we're writing and you're reading, but we know it isn't an accident and we know it's bigger than us.  There are things that need to be said by women who aren't afraid to keep it real.  Do you ever wonder how someone like YOU could have anything of any value to offer the world?  We sure do.  Every day, as a matter of fact.  And as our adventure begins, we want to take you with us!  We're all searching for something, whether it's a hobby, a career, or a purpose.  The world tells us that it's enough to be average and get by.  Blend in, go with the flow, and under no circumstance attempt to stand out from the crowd.  Well, we're done.  We won't apologize for being above-average, and we don't want you to either.  We have something to offer the world.  Shoot, we have TONS to offer.  Opinions?  Without question.  Ideas?  Got 'em.  Constructive criticism? Check.  Fabulous one-of-a-kind hair accessories?  Yep, got those too.  Photog skills that capture your family, your dog, your home, your life...that actually portray for the ages what it is that makes you you?  We've got that too.  Encouraging words or a timely prayer that you might not make it through the day without?  We can offer those too.  

We are modern women with old-fashioned souls.  We are 
creative thinkers who appreciate the simplicity of timeless styles that never go out of style.  Somewhere along the way, someone told us these gifts weren't valuable.  That we weren't smart enough and what we had to say didn't matter.  That we weren't brilliant.  We're done believing them.  Nobody puts baby in a corner.  Nobody. (Forgive the shameless Dirty Dancing reference, but seriously - who doesn't love a little guilty pleasure?)  

Put sanity aside, we won't sit back and fit into what the world wants us to be.  We've tried and proven that we simply can't!  All we can do is be who we are,  broken and imperfect as that may be.  Frankly, we think those women are a whole lot more interesting than the ones we've tried so desperately to be for years.  You might roll your eyes.  You could quite possibly loathe us.  But if you keep an open mind and an open heart, there's a chance you just might like us.  And we hope you do.  But you don't have to like us to be inspired by what we have to say.  You don't have to burn your bra to feel empowered.  You don't have to relate to all of our off-the-wall rants to walk away knowing that, somehow, you're not alone out there.  Let's go for broke and leave you with a little Gandhi:  Be the change you want to see in the world.  Are you up for the challenge? 
This is only the tip of the iceberg, friends.  Brace yourself and be prepared to have your minds blown.